Emily Alice 7 days new! This newborn session is with another local family, born and raised here in south Florida! I love shooting natives and seeing if we have any friends in common. Emily came out of the womb with a full head of hair. This Italian princess is absolutely gorgeous and I hope she stays so calm for her parents. We planned a lifestyle session, but I had to throw in one bucket shot – they are my absolute favorite thing and the babies instantly go night-night! Driving to this home brought back so many memories down in Broward. This neighborhood is right by a restaurant I used to work at in high school called Garcia’s near the old skating rink off 84, but now it’s called something else. Old school memories were flowing on this day and definitely made me smile on the simpler times back then with my friends.
The lifestyle session flowed so well and Emily’s parents seemed like they’ve done this before. For these first time parents I am hopeful they will rock being new parents! 7 days in for us was a shit show and my husband will contest to this. We had no idea what we were doing, but you figure it out as you go along. Parenthood is a funny at times, frustrating for sure, but in the end it is always worth it! No mom I’m not getting baby vibes so stop asking me… this shop is closed for business. I only want to snuggle other people’s babies and then give them back!
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